Waiting On Our Miracle
TTC Dictionary
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Trying To Conceive Dictionary
Sometimes it's hard to keep up with the trying to conceive "TTC" lingo.....so indulge in some quick knowledge.
2WW: Two-week wait (time between ovulation and period)
AF: Aunt Flow, that lovely visitor
ART: Advanced Reproductive Technology
BCP: birth control pills
beta- or “beta hCG”- blood test to determine pregnancy
BD: Baby dance (bluntly put, having sex)
BFN: Big fat negative (pregnancy test result)
BFP: Big fat positive (pregnancy test result)
BW= blood work
CB: Cycle buddy (someone who is sharing the same cycle as you, working towards a BFP!)
CD: Cycle day
CM: Cervical mucus (This is so gross to even blog about, but its so commonly used in the TTC world that I had to include it!)
DA: Doctor Appointment
DH: Dear Husband or Darling Husband.)
DPO: Days past ovulation
DPIUI= Days past IUI
DPO= Days Past Ovulation
DPR= Days Past Retrieval
dp3dt= Days Past Three Day Transfer
EW: Eggwhite (re: consistency of cervical mucus – gross, again I know, but …)
FET: frozen embryo transfer
FMU: First morning urine (what you are supposed to use to test for a pregnancy test)
FRER: First Response Early Result pregnancy test
FSH: follicle stimulating hormone
Fx: Fingers crossed
HPT: Home pregnancy test
hCG, HCG:Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
HSG: hysterosalpingogram (this is a hospital test that is done to see if the Fallopian tubes are blocked. It can be painful but it’s quick!)
ICSI: Intra-cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (a way to fertilize eggs during IVF)
IF: Infertility
IRL: In Real Life
IUI: Intrauterine Insemination
IVF: In Vitro Fertilization (I really hope you know this one by now too!)
LH: luteinizing hormone
MC or m/c: miscarriage
OPK: Ovulation predictor kit (this helps women measure specifically when they are going to ovulate … so they can BD!)
P4: progesterone
PCP: Primary Care Provider
PG: Pregnant
POAS: Pee on a Stick (what you get to do while taking an ovulation or pregnancy test)
PCOS: Polycystic ovarian syndrome
Rx: Prescription
SA: Semen Analysis
SPA: Sperm Penetration Assay
TI: Timed Intercourse
TTC: Trying to conceive
TSH: thyroid-stimulating hormone
TWW/2WW: two-week wait- time between ovulation and period
US or u/s: Ultrasound
TTC Dictionary
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